Church Wide

Growclasses 2024


  • August 28, 2024
  • Rob Bourn
  • 3122 S. Clack Street

Grow is a spiritual journey that is strategically designed to ensure that believers engage in a continual process of taking next steps in their walk with Christ. During this journey, you will have the opportunity to grow in Christlike character, convictions and conduct through intentional teachings, exercises, and spiritual practices that will equip and empower you to live the Christian life during the semesters of Grow and beyond as you develop and pursue your God-given potential.

Grow 1 focuses on developing healthy soil in our hearts, planting the right “seeds,” and ensuring that our roots grow deep and strong in order to sustain us in our spiritual walk for the long haul.

Grow 2 builds upon the foundation laid in Grow 1 and focuses on growing deeper in our relationship with Christ, learning to live like Jesus, and understanding God’s calling on our lives.

Grow 3 now takes us even deeper in our spiritual journey. The theme of Grow 3 is living lives of deep obedience that cost us something. This final semester of Grow focuses on pursuing an even deeper relationship with God, dying to ourselves, and surrendering all to Him so that we can truly discern His will for us and discover the path to our God-given potential.